Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) From Mental Health Professionals

Published: June 21, 2021

Response: No. There is no regulation of non-licensed individuals as long as they do not make any claims to be licensed. As long as non-Japanese terms are used, you are free to use terms such as psychotherapist, therapist, counselor, coach, etc. if you are allowed to use it in your country of origin. In other words, mental health professionals are free to use any term in English and other languages. For uses of Japanese terms such as 公認心理師 (Certified Public Psychologist) an exam, fully in Japanese, taking place once a year should be passed. Also, to use 精神科医 (psychiatrist) it is required to be a medical doctor in Japan. For use of Japanese terms such as 臨床心理士 (Certified Clinical Psychologist), mental health professionals must be accredited by the Foundation of the Japanese Certification Board for Clinical Psychologists providing the certificate. The same goes for more than 40 certifications including school psychologist, educational psychologist, family therapist etc. Please check for reference the site of the Japanese Union of Psychological Associations

If your question is not answered by this FAQ, please reach out directly to our outreach coordinator at this email: 

Links to counseling boards/associations: