RAY, Forrest
Forrest is a Contemplative Psychotherapist based in Kyoto. He has sat with elders in their dying process, helped chauffeur young adults through the existential turmoil, and attended to the many others needs for compassion, authenticity, and simple humanity that many of us long for. In 2008, Forrest deployed to Iraq and witnessed first hand an incredible amount of suffering. This helped to awaken Forrest's heart to the dire need of care, compassion, and human kindness. Later, Forrest would go on to organize community events for homelessness, humanitarian crisis, healing through the arts and mindfulness practices. Forrest continues to strive toward a world of caring compassion for all.
Forrest received his master’s degree in Contemplative Psychotherapy and Buddhist Psychology from Naropa University and has since worked with teens, adults, and elders. He offers a deeply felt experience of empowerment, respect for the core of dignity in everyone, and a heart that knows laughter as well as tears. He employs techniques from yogic traditions to modern modalities.