IMHPJ 29th Annual Conference – 2025


IMHPJ Proudly Presents our 29th Annual Conference

“Disaster Preparedness & Response, plus Other Conversations”

What: IMHPJ Annual Conference  |  Where: French Chamber of Commerce (CCI France Japon), Nihonbashi Honcho Ys Building, 1F, 2 Chome-2-2 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0023  |  When: March 9-10, 2025

It is with great excitement that we share the announcement for our 2025 IMHPJ conference. The topic is Disaster Preparedness & Response, plus Other Conversations.  Japan is a country on the move, both metaphorically and physically. When natural disasters strike, mental health providers are left with many questions: How can we make a difference? What is best practice? Who else is helping the victims? What happens if disaster strikes while we are in session—in person or telehealth? This conference will provide the information you need to make an action plan both as an individual mental health provider and also as an international collective, integrating best practices both here at home and from abroad. The final agenda, along with speaker bios and photos will be forthcoming- please stay tuned for the exciting line up!

Our conference will be held on March 9th (Sun) and 10th (Mon) at a beautiful venue that is conducive to both learning and forming professional connections.

Although many of our speakers will be covering topics related to disaster response, we will also have an ethics training about the new international divorce & custody laws, as well as a didactic training experience presented by former IMHPJ president Jillian Mickleborough-Sugiyama. This will be an action packed, informative, and enriching experience for all.

IMHPJ Member Rate:  EARLY BIRD ¥13,000    REGULAR RATE ¥15,000
Non-Member Rate:  EARLY BIRD  ¥17,000    REGULAR RATE ¥19,000
Graduate Student Rate:  ¥13,000  (no early bird rate)
LAST-MINUTE AT-THE-DOOR RATE: ¥18,000 (*cash only, and please note that same day arrivals will not be provided a catered lunch on either day of the conference)
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ENDS: February 14, 2025, at noon (JST). After noon on February 14, 2025 regular conference rates apply. 
FINAL DEADLINE FOR PRE-REGISTRATION: February 28, 2025, at midnight (JST).



Day 1
0830: doors open, refreshments / coffee
0900: Opening remarks from IMHPJ President/ Vice President
0930-1100: Maj Kimberly Lane presenting When Disaster Strikes
1100-1230 Lunch/ networking time
1230-1330: Ayumi Nishikawa presenting Japan Mental Rescue Organization
1330-1500: Andrew Badcoe presenting Managing Crisis in Multidisciplinary Settings
1500-1530 Coffee Break
1530-1700: Reiko Fujisawa presenting in International Divorce and Custody 
1700-1730 closing remarks, Award Presentations

Day 2
0830: doors open, refreshments/ coffee
0900-1130: Jillian Mickleborough IFS didactic experience
1130-1300: Lunch/ networking time
1300-1500: Open working group discussing the role of  IMHPJ in disasters
1500-1530 Coffee break
1530-1630: AGM 
1630-1700: Concluding remarks, conference review, Award Presentation

For the conference agenda, a full list of presenters and presentation descriptions, and a map of nearby restaurants, click here: AGENDA, PRESENTERS/PRESENTATIONS, MAP (.pdf)


The attendance fee will cover the speaker fees, the venue, and the catering during the conference.


  • Please check the box(es) on the form if you are interested in receiving a lunch box on Day 1 and/or Day 2. You may bring your own lunch if you have allergies or other special needs.
  • The lunch will be provided by
  • If you choose not to receive a complimentary boxed lunch on either of the conference days, there are numerous quick options surrounding the venue as needed (attached below).
  • We will be providing a coffee and refreshment break at 3pm each day.
  • Please also consider bringing your own nourishment of snacks and beverages for your own self-care.

REFUNDS: After February 28th, 2025, refunds will only be considered on a case-by-case basis. All refunds will be charged a processing fee of ¥1000. We ask that you notify our treasurer by email before 28 February 2025 if you are unable to attend the conference for a refund. Regarding requests for refunds after February 28, 2025, we are only able to offer a reduced partial refund. No refunds will be processed for attendees who no-show or can only partially attend.  

Conference attendees are responsible for coordinating their own travel, accommodations and meals. A map to nearby hotels and restaurants is listed below this announcement.

CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS: CEU’s are difficult to provide given the diverse international background of attendees and the varying global board licensing requirements, however on Day 2 of the conference we will provide a form indicating your attendance of the two-day conference for your documentation and potential credit from your governing entity that grants CEU credits. The IMHPJ makes no guarantees or claims regarding continuing educational credit by your governing or licensing board.

Attendance Disclaimer:  This conference is a gathering of mental health professionals. We, the IMHPJ Board of Directors, have the right to deny potential attendees not professionally affiliated or associated with the profession of mental health care.